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Visakhapuja Day

Visakhapuja Day

 Visakhapuja Day is recognized by the UNESCO on December 13, 1999 as “World Heritage Day”.

VISAKHA BUCHA (Vesak) means the worship of the Buddha on the full moon day of the sixth lunar month. It usually falls in May. In the case of a year with an extra eighth lunar month–Adhikamasa (there are 13 full moons in that year)– the Visakhapuja Day falls on the full moon day of the seventh lunar month.


The Vesak full moon day (The full moon day of Sixth lunar month)

Visakhapuja Day is one of the most important days in Buddhism because of three important incidents in the life of The Buddha, i.e. the birth, the enlightenment and the passing away, miraculously fall on the same month and date, the Vesak full moon day. So each year, Buddhists throughout the world gather together to perform the worship to recollect the wisdom, purity and compassion of the Buddha

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